The First Marathon Level 2

It was the year 490 B. C. There was a war between the Persians and the Athenians.
Persia was a huge empire, much bigger than Greece.
Persia wanted to conquer Athens.
They reached the Greek territory with a great force in big ships.
They landed the Greek territory of Marathon.
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Durumu: Satışta / Liste Fiyatı: 20.00 / Güncelleme: 2023-09-30 / Barkod: 9786054441273

Yayın Dili:
Basım Yeri: İstanbul
Basım Tarihi: 2012-01
Baskı No: 1
Sayfa Sayısı: 16
Ebat: 140-200
Ağırlık: 40 gr
ISBN: 9786054441273
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The First Marathon - Easy Readers Level 2SatıştaSatış Fiyatı:5.00 TL