First of an exciting new graphic-novel quartet by renowned comic book artist Mark Crilley. Miki is intrigued by handsome Hiro, a quiet and secretive boy who has just arrived at her rural school. But Hiro is even more mysterious than Miki realises: as sh...devamı
Durumu: Baskısı Yok / Liste Fiyatı: 18.52 / Güncelleme: 2020-12-24 / Barkod: 9780007246601
Yayın Dili | : |
Basım Yeri | : Ankara |
Basım Tarihi | : 2010-01 |
Baskı No | : 1 |
Sayfa Sayısı | : 176 |
Kapak | : |
Kağıt | : |
Ebat | : 130-197 |
ISBN | : 9780007246601 |