The Principles Of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture Elucidated By Question And Answer

Towards the end o of the sixth centur y, when Christianity was again propagated in this country by Augustine, Mellitus, and other zealous monks, St. Gregory, the head of the Papal church, and the originator of this mission, wrote to Mellitus not to suffer...devamı

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Durumu: Satışta / Liste Fiyatı: 58.00 / Güncelleme: 2022-01-05 / Barkod: 9786257078382

Yayın Dili:
Basım Yeri: Ankara
Basım Tarihi: 2020-07
Baskı No: 1
Sayfa Sayısı: 189
Ebat: 135-210
Ağırlık: 189 gr
ISBN: 9786257078382
Orijinal Adı: Elucidated By Question And Answer
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The Principles Of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture Elucidated By Question And AnswerSatıştaSatış Fiyatı:47.60 TL